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SCALAC Council

Non-Profit Association in Costa Rica (Affiliation Number: 3-002-788193).


Current Council

From 12/2021 to date:

  • President: Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux (UFRGS, Brasil)
  • Vicepresident: Isidoro Gitler Goldwain (ABACUS Cinvestav-IPN, México)
  • Secretary: Salma Jalife 
  • Treasurer: Esteban Meneses Rokas (CeNAT, Costa Rica)
  • First Vocal: Harold Castro Becerra (UniAndes, Colombia)
  • Second Vocal: Claudio Chacón Arévalo (CEDIA, Ecuador)
  • Third Vocal: Carla Osthoff(LNCC, Brazil)
  • Fiscal: Luis Eliecer Cadenas (RedClara)

Council formation proposed

Dates from 05/2018 to 11/2021:

  • President: Álvaro Félix De La Ossa Osegueda (UCR, Costa Rica)
  • Vicepresident: Isidoro Gitler Goldwain (ABACUS Cinvestav-IPN, México
  • Secretary: Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux (UFRGS, Brasil)
  • Treasurer: Esteban Meneses Rokas (CeNAT, Costa Rica)
  • First Vocal: Harold Castro Becerra (UniAndes, Colombia)
  • Second Vocal: Claudio Chacón Arévalo (CEDIA, Ecuador)
  • Third Vocal: Rafael Mayo García (CIEMAT, España)

Board of Chairs


Scalac Operative Roles

  • General Chair: Carlos J. Barrios Hernández
  • Management, Financial and Cooperation Chairs: Esteban Meneses, Phillippe Navaux y Luis Eliécer Cadenas
  • Communication Chairs: Lizette Robles y Tadeu Lopez
  • Education and Outreach Chairs: Carla Osthoff, Robinson Rivas y Sergio Neschmanow
  • Scientific Applications Chairs: Isidoro Gitler y Dennis Cazar
  • Scientific (Strategic) Infrastructure and Platforms: Harold Castro y Esteban Mocksos

The Board of Chairs is the leadership board of all operative actions of SCALAC. All members of this board are responsible of these actions, nominated by three years. The acceptation and actions are voluntary (without any contractual remuneration).

These roles were proposed in the Mexico City meeting in 2015. Every chair can invite a co-chair of his team. Every team works in coordination with the other teams.

General Chair: Main coordination of all actions of SCALAC. He is responsible for the presentation of the SCALAC Council actions roadmap, identification of tasks, partners, the preparation of the general budget (adding the budget of the other roles and teams), supporting the organization, and solving issues. The General Chair must prepare and present a general report to the SCALAC Council of the actions and to publish this report every year.

Communications Chair: t is a key role in the success of SCALAC. Responsible of the communication between the members, bottom-up, top-down, communication strategies (website, email lists, social networks and more) of SCALAC.

Management and Partnership Chair The first responsibility is to support the management actions and to develop the partnership of SCALAC. The management and partnership chair(s) work(s) integrated with the General Chair. At same time, this team could search and propose funding and budget.

Scientific Applications Chair: This role search to support the scientific development of the SCALAC community (users and members), identifying user concerns, directions (trends), applications needs, perspectives, technological strategies and elaborate a scientific stocktaking to observe High Performance and Advanced Computing needs and development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Scientific Infrastructures and and Platforms Chair: This role searches to integrate the action of the different SCALAC members infrastructure. This team search to develop a technological surveillance, elaborating an HPC platforms and infrastructure stocktaking, seeing (real) capabilities, integration possibilities and actions, technological development and strategies to provide, advising partners and making a continuous communication between the scientific applications and the education and outreach teams, to propose and develop training and outreach actions for technological and infrastructure responsible teams of the HPC/Advanced Computing Centres in Latin America and the Caribbean. At same time, this team is responsible to publish (if it is the case of public centres with the respective authorization) the capabilities of the HPC/Advanced Computing facilities and this relation with the Top500 and Graph500 List). As the case of the Scientific Application chairs, it is important to observe global infrastructure trends, worldwide platforms sustainability and technological evolution.

Education and Outreach Chair: This role is the responsible to propose, support, advise and coordinate education, training, divulgation and outreach activities. The team will be proposed strategies and planning of the main actions to develop by (or supported) by SCALAC in the next three years (year by year), including methodologies (i.e. to have the support, co-location cosponsored of SCALAC), observing Scientific Applications and Infrastructure and platforms chair teams. At the same time, it is important to integrate the SCALAC activities to the worldwide actions of global community in HPC and Advanced Computing (Conferences, webinars, schools, etc.).